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Getting started in real estate investing can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be complex and challenging.
Here are some important steps to take before you commit to an important investment. (In no particular order…)


Educate yourself: Read books, attend seminars, or take online courses to gain a solid understanding of real estate investing.


Assess your finances: Determine how much capital you have available for investment, and consider whether you have the means to finance a property or whether you will need to obtain a loan.


Define your goals: Decide what you hope to achieve through real estate investing. Are you looking for long-term wealth building, steady income from rental properties, or a combination of both?


Choose your market: Research local real estate markets to determine which markets are likely to offer the best return on investment and fit with your goals and investment style.


Develop a strategy: Based on your research and goals, determine what type of properties you want to invest in and what type of investments are best suited to your skills and interests.


Build a network in real estate: Connect with other real estate investors, real estate agents, and contractors. These professionals can provide valuable advice, insights, and support as you get started in the industry. They can also provide referrals to other professionals who can help you along the way.


Build a network outside of real estate: You are going to need assistance from accountants, lawyers, maybe even your city council, or other community stakeholders. Figure out who you already know, and who they know. You would be surprised how connected you already are!


Consider a mentor: Consider working with a mentor, such as an experienced real estate investor or a financial advisor, to help guide you through the process and provide support as you build your portfolio.


Start small: Consider starting with a small investment, such as a single-family home or a small multi-family property, to gain experience and build your portfolio before making larger investments.


Remember, real estate investing is a long-term commitment, and it is important to proceed with caution, do your due diligence, and seek advice from professionals as needed.

What to Consider Before Investing

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