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Welcome to GPI.Team

Passive Income. It’s not a myth. And with a rock-solid foundation, you too can be bringing in passive income. Supplement your savings. Secure your retirement. Rethink your recreational spending. All without adding work hours to your day. Passive income, when done correctly, is every business person’s dream come true.

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How do we keep the passive income dream from becoming a nightmare? There are three pillars that balance out your passive income foundation: â€‹â€‹

  • Knowledge

  • Flexibility

  • Community

Knowledge: At Granite, we believe that no successful business person ever stops learning. A rolling stone may not gather any moss, but it certainly sees and knows far more than the stone that sat at home, stuck in its ways, assuming it knew enough to make it on its own.  


Flexibility: One of the biggest challenges in making any business work is rolling with the punches. Even the savviest person who has all the information they need will get hit with the unexpected from time to time. The strongest trees root themselves into the bedrock of the earth, but the tallest have learned to bend with the strong winds so they don’t snap.


Community: No one person is an island. What is the point of sitting alone on your rock pulling in passive income if you can’t utilize your new skills and income to make your community a better place for your friends and family to live in? Here at Granite, we start and end all of our projects with our community. Come to one of our networking events to meet like minded people near you!

We're on a Break! is taking a break! The Ryans have stumbled across an amazing opportunity that they just couldn’t pass up- which unfortunately for the team, is going to be taking up a lot of their time in the foreseeable future. We want to thank everyone who has participated in our team events, and look forward to seeing you all around the Concord, NH area!

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